Yesterday, I played my second ever game on Ryze, as you can see here my score was 9-2-6:
I am a midlaner who is learning how to properly play meta midlaners. Currently I am working on Zoe and Ryze and sometimes Veigar and I will start Casseiopia soon. My average CS by 10 minutes is about 80-90 depending on my game. I am looking for advice on my play, so ai can become a better midlaner and push out of Silver. Now into my Ryze match: many of you know, Ryze has perhaps the games worst early game, so i died to a well done early gank by Jarvan. I was playing against Azir, who was an interesting opponent, who was poking me down very well. However I knew that I could win extended fights once I had my Rod of Ages. I got an easy 1v1 kill as soon as I got my Rod of Ages, yet I knew that this game (unlike last) I wanted to try the damage version of him, instead of the Abyssal Mass semi-tank. I joined my team to fight a lot, because Ryze has an incredible mid game. I pushed down the outer midlane turret during lane, so me and my team decided to shove the midlane and get the enemy team to come to us for fights. I won the game pretty quickly and simply, and it was a good learning experience for an early try on Ryze. I am starting to greatly enjoy Ryze's high burst damage, through spamming your abilities. I am going to continue to work on my Ryze play. I would also love to have some knew ideas for midlaners to play, I don't want to play Swain mid, but my current list of want to plays is:
Cassiopeia, Azir, Kassadin, Galio, Victor, Yasuo, Vladmir, Fizz, Ahri, etc...
Please give me some advice I am new to Mobafirem and would love some good advice on how to properly play midlane. I will start playing ranked 2 weeks from now, as I am going on vacation this next week, so it will be great to try out some more ranked games and try to push.