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's Forum Avatar

Just wanted to thank you guys

Creator: Xiron December 12, 2014 2:36pm
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May 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 2:36pm | Report
My time here (some of you might remember me) showed me how awesome design-work can be. Thanks to my time here I am, one day, gonna be a graphic designer (I hope D: ). Currently studying, just wanted to hop in and say thank you, it's been a great time.

For those interested, some of my latest work:

The logo I designed for a non existend company called "Blackbird" as an assignment.
A brochure

A CD-Cover ready to be printed (everything on there aint existing).

And some pictures (I have to study half a year of fotography)

Well, again, thank you guys, I always felt welcome here, especially because all my work was kinda low-end compared to everybody else.

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