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Looking for a signature

Creator: skypie Headshot June 25, 2013 1:20pm
skypie Headshot
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Jun 25th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 25, 2013 1:20pm | Report
I need a couple so the first one is: just add some effects to make it better pls :D
Then i need a <-- signature of this 400,300(as all the others) Text: skypie Headshot Penta kill
then an ezreal sig (something like this Text: skypie Headshot one of the good snipers oh so you dont need to look here is the pic of ez: the lee sin signature add any text you think looks cool, and in the lower left corner should say skypie Headshot
Umm a shockblade Zed signature
Text: skypie Headshot faster than lightning.
Oh and the finnal thing is <-- this img if you could maybe darken it a bit and make it like a signature, its not needed do it if you whant to!

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