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MOBAFire's final Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! šŸ†
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Signature makers ^_^

Creator: AcE13 October 17, 2011 5:44am
AcE13's Forum Avatar
May 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 17, 2011 5:44am | Report
Need a Good Signature Maker!
Here are the names and the champ that you can put.

MyHome14 (Champ: Ashe/Corki/Xin zhao/Master Yi)

ChaSzeR22 (Champ: Miss Fortune)

AcE13 (Champ: Yorick/Fiddlestick/maokai/chog'gath)

Note: for those who will give time to make you can choose any pic of the champs as well as they include in the signs and you can choose any design!

Thnx For those who will give time!

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide