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Uproars Resource Thread

Creator: Uproar February 12, 2014 9:41am
<Altruistic Artist>
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Feb 9th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2014 9:41am | Report
As to not spam the forums...Sorry about that by the way. Just putting all resources i've collected/made together in to one big Topic.


Render Pack 1

A collection of 160+ High quality renders. Also includes high quality renders from Masterworks (prestigious designers)!

I take no ownership over this pack. This is just a collection i have acquired over many years.

Download from Mega here: [link]

Password to file:


Render Pack 2


Password to file:


Stock Pack 1

I've lost the example to this, but there are over 100+ Stocks all HQ to use including; Females, males, cars, anime etc.


Password to file:


Texture Pack 1


Password to file:


Watercolor Pack 1


Password to file:


C4D Effects

Faux Gold

Golden Dragon (Grainy but can produce some different effects)


Radical Styles

This contains 4 layer style effects. You load up the file in to photoshop and with text, pictures or absolutely anything in your layers you can change the way it looks with color, 3d effects, shadows and glows all pre made for you to choose, use & edit yourself.



Premium & Hand Picked Tutorials

Below are some hand picked tutorials i've found on my 7 year journey in design. A couple of these are premium only which have been passed down by a close friend in designing who has since retired to a family life.

The idea of tutorials is not to mimic them, yet to learn new ways in designing, perhaps an easier way to put your work together or a better way to produce smudge effects. Not all of these designs are outstanding but there techniques are amazing.



This piece is by Mw+ (aka. Masterworks) an amazing design group who i've only ever seen, simple but outstanding pieces come from them.


Depth & Lighting


Beautiful Outcome :)


Another amazing design & technique.

I have the render available here aswell;


Something Simple but can be used in signatures


Photo Manip


Snazzy Avatar Designs


Pentool Tutorial


A very Abstract/Comic like Tutorial


Simple Effective techniques here


Will update this post time to time.
Hopefully no one feels i am trying to tell anyone how to suck eggs, all of these tutorials and resources are learning curbs, it's always nice to learn something new or perhaps re-learn.

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