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Clockwork jungler

Creator: Mr. Feyd June 9, 2011 5:40pm
Mr. Feyd
Mr. Feyd's Forum Avatar
Jun 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2011 5:40pm | Report
Ahoy Im testing a Oriana build for jungle. I know that she can jungle thru testing with bots and blind pick. now i want to nail down a solid build.

Masterys are currently 13-6-11. Standard ap, cd and pen but garbed the extra 4% as as well. then flat armor and mag rest. goodhands ghost exp and buff duration.
Currently can take blue with dedicated helper at level 1. Alternatively can grab 1 cloth armor and 2-3 pots. Start small golems. attack with ball from side in a line to hit both. smite asap. pop a pot wack them down. wolfs, then waddle wraiths. smite big one auto n ball smalls. blue pill. grab a pot n other half for razor. repeat. finish razor go for blue.

Edit. removed the Magic resist runes put the points into Mp regin from utility. working better.

Skills order are q,e,q,w,w,r,w,q,w, after level 4 focusing on maxing w so you can gank properly. then max q or e dependent on what they have.

Running smite and ghost as her Ms with w and ghost give great map control.

items look kinda like this so far. Razor [jungle necessary] (1k)> situational shoes (varied from 920 up to 1200> rageblade ( [as and ap] or fiendish [counter jungles making getting blue hard] > rage blade or fiendish or just skip if needed > Phage {hp ad and hey slow w + slow %+ red + ulti should result ganks of death]> bloodrazor [team fights get those pesky tanks with your auto and smash squishy with ball. multi task ftw] > nashors [huzza melt more hp%, passive gets a buff and more mp to spam].

Edit. Now testing a build with Lichbane and hourglass. Trying to go for a more AP oriented build with more burst and survivability. If her survivability can be made even better will see how soul stealer goes

high expediences but really you should have razor around 35-40 and everything else is just luxury after that.

Edit. Added the Love Hate section

Champs to love Kenneth. Protect then ulti when he rushes in to suck them all into his ulti range. good times. Amummu. can help him land a 5 team ulti OR add a knock up effect with good timing at end of his ulti to keep them in his skill ranges for a little longer. Any melee champ with a dash and some cc like say Xin or Irlea.

Champs to HATE Any one with a roam stealth. And strong counter jungles like nunu, Tf, WW.

so any one crazy enuf to try n test her jungle capability? Any theory crafts on wiser items or best runes? would love positive feedback or constructive criticisms. Also my English is very good but my spelling is not so if anything off... my bad.

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