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Is My Darius Build Any Good?

Creator: Ziagos November 2, 2013 1:37pm
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Nov 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 1:37pm | Report
So about a year ago I came up with this build for Darius. It's a simple build, but I'm wondering if it needs improvement. My core build is (I don't know how to put the little icons):
1. Berserker's Boots - Alacrity
2. Frozen Mallet
3. The Bloodthirster
4. Infinity Edge
5. Frozen Heart
6. Phantom Dancer

My main goal of this build is to use Decimate and Crippling Strike a lot and deal good basic attack damage. Berserker's Boots help with attack speed. Frozen Mallet gives a ton of health and has a nice passive. Bloodthirster give life steal which helps a ton, especially with IE and PD. Infinity Edge helps with basic attack damage and crit chance a lot, and if you crit with crippling strike it does about 700 damage (depends on what you're fighting) and resets the auto-attack timer. Phantom Dancer helps with basic attack's speed and crit chance. The movement speed bonus is okay, but I can live without it. And lastly the Frozen Heart. Mana, armor, and cool-down reduction, three things that Darius really needs (I think Riot nerfed his mana, it seems like it's more of a problem than before). And if you pick up a blue buff cool-downs are further decreased, which helps A LOT. I'm thinking about replacing the Phantom Dancer for Youmuu's Ghostblade. With masteries I build AD, four points in sorcery (offense), and one point in summoner's resolve (defense, I usually use heal for my summoner spell).

Overall this build has done me well, good burst damage with exceptional sustainability. If there's something not worth having or something I should replace, please say so. I'm not mentioning runes because I'm only level 17.
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 1:40pm | Report
you need to use the [[]] brackets like that and but the name in the middle like [[darius]]

and to the build, you can't build that squishy because Darius is a melee fighter who scales without too much damage tbh. You are usually solotop as Darius so you are going to lose without defensive items.
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Nov 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 1:54pm | Report
I don't solo top as Darius. I usually have someone with a pull or something to pop the guy in the air so I can pull him closer to a turret and finish him, someone like Volibear (my personal favorite champion to pair with). Of course that only works early game. And I don't see Darius soloing top as a good idea, he can't really escape from fights and can be easily ganked.
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 1:57pm | Report
oh I just noticed you are lvl 18

no offence, but at the level of skill where you are atm, pretty much like everything works
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Nov 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 2:01pm | Report
How does my summoner level determine my "level of skill"?
<Guide Critic>
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 2:03pm | Report
Ziagos wrote:

How does my summoner level determine my "level of skill"?

Because, in fact, everybody under level 30 sucks (unless you are a smurf). I know it sounds blunt but it is the truth.
Ziagos's Forum Avatar
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Nov 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 2:06pm | Report
Lol, you're funny. Anybody can be level 30. I could have said I was level 30, would that change your opinion? I've played with level 30s before, I know how the game works. The only thing summoner level determines is how much time you put into playing the game.
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 2:08pm | Report
No, it would not have changed my opinion, cause my opinion is that your build sucks balls lol. If you build darius like that, you have no idea how the game works. Being level 30 says that you have experience, and anyone with ranked experience would know that this build sucks.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 2:10pm | Report
Ziagos wrote:

Lol, you're funny. Anybody can be level 30. I could have said I was level 30, would that change your opinion? I've played with level 30s before, I know how the game works. The only thing summoner level determines is how much time you put into playing the game.

If it makes you feel better, there are a lot of ppl at lvl 30 that still suck :3
Change is gooooood

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~ Meiyjhe ~
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Nov 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2013 2:11pm | Report
Well my build works for me, and I am open to criticism. Please tell me how to improve my build.
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