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New Soraka guide!!!! Would like to hear some...

Creator: The_Nameless_Bard July 24, 2011 12:45pm

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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2011 12:45pm | Report
I just posted my new Soraka guide *LINK REMOVED BY MOD* and would like to hear your opinions on it.

Questions I'd like you to think about (and hopefully answer):
Is it well written?
Are the items well explained (whether you agree with them or not)?
Is it well focused? or is it cluttered and difficult to follow?
Is there anything in particular the guide needs to be complete?

Feel free to comment on anything else you can think of.
<Altruistic Artist>
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2011 1:25pm | Report
I like the flow of the guide itself. Your items lend them more towards a Nuke champ rather than a support. But if you can get the farm for it, then your build works great.

Your rune choices are alright, some alternatives could be flat armor seals, and MR glyphs (if you know what kind of team you're facing). I think Flat AP Quints>AP Per level. In terms of most AP champs some schools of thought would prefer AP per level for a better late game, although flat AP can secure you early game. So mixing them might be beneficial. However Mpen marks are a bit off to me. I can see the thought process but in terms of over all benefit as Soraka you aren't typically going to be nuking people. The role you play is support and I think Riot means to keep Soraka there. I'd say it would be fine if her ratios and base damage for Infuse/Starcall were better. But they aren't all that impressive, I'm not saying they are terrible, but you might be better off with some other type of rune...Heaven forbid you go ArP marks to help with last hitting XD.

Masteries: Your masteries are a bit wonky too. Although you get the CDR the 15% MPen really won't matter all that much IMO. I'd say grabbing points up to but not including the Mpen talent would be better, however at the same time it depends on your playstyle. For a support like Sona I love the bonus 15% Mpen because she to me is a bit more of an offense based support whereas Soraka is immoveable sustain.

Items: I like this section, you give some great alternatives. I'd say RoA>Rylai's any day for this type of support champ. If you rush 2 Philo's you'll get your Revarie by mid game. AoE haste for team might outweigh your own survival, RoA I mean. But that's on a game to game basis. The only draw back I see to your items is that it's all expensive and leaves no room for you to purchase wards or oracles. Although it is the teams job to buy wards, Supports have a bit easier time typically because they just sit in lane with a GP5 item. Oracles though is extremely important. Securing vision for your team while countering the enemy is so important to help controling the flow of a matc and the support is best suited for that.

All in all solid build, great guide. Easy to read and you give out great info. I can really see your style of play coming out with this guide so if I made any suggestions that might be countering that forgive me. As for why I like a bit more traditional support (well traditional for this meta) at least for Soraka and Taric I feel the traditional GP5/Support Auras work better for them because well they aren't as updated as Karma/Orianna/Sona. The roles for those three champs can be considered AP nuke support whereas Taric and Soraka have extremely low ratios on their ofensive abilities as well as their CDs are long. To my knowledge Sona and Karma are a bit less CD dependant unlike Taric and Soraka who have to strategically plan their spell uses. Hope this helped :)
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2011 2:34pm | Report
Marks were the hardest runes to decide on tbh, because with MRpen marks I can last hit with starcall instead of my basic attack and harass a little better with infuse, but it doesn't exactly fit with Soraka's skill set at all.

I can see what you mean with the defensive runes, and will add suggestions for different rune page options.

I think I will change the masteries to 0-9-21, because that little bit of CDR from the offense tree isn't that important and the defense masteries will be better in the long run.

Thanks for your criticism, it's really helpful.
<Altruistic Artist>
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2011 4:37pm | Report
:) NP anytime.
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DEWO's Forum Avatar
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Feb 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 25, 2011 2:04am | Report
basicly i would state that this is an advert.

The questions are realy "general", and i see no real value on them tbh to explain the need of linking a guide here.

You want opinions and general info. Those are things that should be done in build/guide comments.

If you feel i locked this topic without a proper background under it, please PM me.
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Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!

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