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Some ideas for Lux?

Creator: RuigoP April 2, 2011 11:37am
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Mar 9th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2011 11:37am | Report
I've been experimenting with Lux and continuously adding information from my notes onto this Lux Guide I've been working on:

These do include cutting out some of the bloat information and summarizing it more as most of it you don't need and is mostly luxury information you can research on your own for any champion really. And cutting down on more of my rambling, as that's mainly irrelevant to the information people want.

But I'm more concerned about items. I've been experimenting with more and more items and I continuously keep changing my playstyle slightly to fit each setup, but it's almost not possible to cram them all in there.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to cut down on it? I don't mind writing another Lux guide based around Lich Bane while this one is mainly Ult bursting. Ideas?

Even guide writing tips I'm more open to, though I still warn people that I end up making entire novels on what I know about things regardless of what's said, but I would love to know.

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