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1850+ ap mid elo player looking for a serious team

Creator: swiftynyce August 5, 2012 2:02pm
swiftynyce's Forum Avatar
Aug 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2012 2:02pm | Report
I'm a Ap mid player looking for a high level serious team. Nothing lower then 1750 elo !
My old team broke up so I would like to join a new one. I'm a serious player who wants to make it far in league of legends.
Not here to waste my time and just play games and thats it.

Looking for a team that:
-Tries to work together
-If some one does a mistake multiple time we discuss about it once the game ends
-That is willing to become better game by game by working on tactics and so on
-can also have fun together and enjoy each other presence

P.s My old team had a dude that bought his way to plat ... we didnt find out till later ... so if you have a high elo please prove to me you didn't buy your account....

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