hello I main ad carries and I can top with udyr ww teemo proficiently, I'm only 16 also but I play arranged with 20 and 30 year olds so I can be very mature and handle criticism, as I hope you would be able to handle any advice I give to you, IGN: 3pthorror
I'm on east coast and usually play from 8-10 so 5-7 your time.
I'm on east coast and usually play from 8-10 so 5-7 your time.
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We are a group of 4 friends looking for 1 other to join us in 5v5 ranked. We need someone who is proficient as an AD carry. It doesn't matter what toon you play as long as your capable of fulfilling the role.
We typically play in the evening anywhere between 5-10pm pst (8-1am est). This is a fresh team and all of us are high 1300's elo.
You must be able to use mumble and have a working microphone, be mature and preferably over 18, be able to take constructive criticism as well as give it, okay with profane language, and of course have fun!
If interested leave a reply or contact one of us in-game: Sivaeb or Rhorik