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Ascension from Elo Hell! Duo Queue Partner needed!

Creator: TheIcedTead May 7, 2012 6:50pm
TheIcedTead's Forum Avatar
May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 7, 2012 6:50pm | Report
So the point of this thread I need someone who wants to join me, to ascend from Elo Hell. I'm currentyl at 744 elo, so if anyone wants to join me go ahead, add me, My Summoner name is my name here, TheIcedTead. But first to make sure if you want to join me, know these 4 rules first!
1. Don't overextend when someone Mia, and it's not warded!
2. Don't try to go solo, always play as a team, so don't leave your team if their is a major tension between your team and the enemy team to push or farm!
3. CS over Harassing, Kills over CS, Turrets over Kills
4. Don't trashtalk about your team, it will bring your Team Morale down, which will cause hatred between the team which will break the team apart.
So these 4 rules will help us escape and ascend, hope you guys want to add me up and Duo Queue,
Summoner Name : TheIcedTead
Time i can Play: -(5:00) Gmt, 5:30pm - 9:00pm (Weekdays)
On weekends I'll be probably on a lot!

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