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Dedicated Support LFG

Creator: Slowjack June 5, 2011 5:21pm
Slowjack's Forum Avatar
May 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 5, 2011 5:21pm | Report
Support is a role that relies heavily on their team. Any vet knows this. When I first started playing this game I didn't have the knowledge or confidence to carry. Even now I consider myself to be average in both categories since I have stuck to what I love playing. I am personally branching out into the carry realm more and more, because I know it's something I a: love doing and b: need to get better at doing. Sometimes I tank. I enjoy it when my team is able to clean up the mess and kill 3-5 of theirs in exchange for fewer deaths.

But at the end of the day, supporting and setting up kills or protecting during an initiation or burst is what I like doing. It's hard to get a very high elo doing that. Further, some of the best teams have individuals who aren't all that great on their own. I feel like solo queue is a waste of how I can help people get kills and get wins.

Ultimately, I'd like to play with people who are focused on smart play and fun games. My schedule is pretty open, I work part time, I am in the EST time zone, and my summoner name is the same as my forum name.

I have and play all the main supports. I have a few tanks (Shen, Morde, Singed, Amumu, Alistar), and some ap or support hybrids (Lux, LeBlanc, Kassadin, Heimerdinger, Annie). With some random stuff like Poppy because she's awesome and Sion/Trist/Teemo/randomrandomrandom.

I'm open to random team comps, learning from any and everything, winning games, and raising my elo to have more competitive matches.

Don't +Rep me at all. I like my obscurity. Thank you.

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