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Duo Q Partner For The Night

Creator: OutBlued June 26, 2012 8:26pm
OutBlued's Forum Avatar
Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 26, 2012 8:26pm | Report
Hey guys I'm looking for a duo q partner, nothing serious just a one night stand. Looking to pull an all nighter of elo raising. Anyone interested, bearing in mind i will not look you directly in the eye nor tell you i love you because that's intimate and not what I'm looking for because i just got out of a serious duo relationship and I'm just looking for some fun.

IGN: Aeroaris
Role: AD Carry Dominate, Everything else i dabble in certain champions
ELO: Inquire Within


-Love Aeroaris

Anddd we're gone again. Don't check for us =D. Cool poster by Animality though.

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