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[EU] Looking for team.

Creator: timmey July 18, 2011 10:52am
timmey's Forum Avatar
Jul 13th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 18, 2011 10:52am | Report
Hey all, I'm currently level 26 playing on EU, going up real fast will be 30 within a few days. I'm looking for people to have fun with and play as a team. Pref use vent/ts/mumble. Solo queueing gets so boring fast :(. I play mostly AP carry like Swain, Annie, and Karthus, but can also play nidalee, udyr, ashe, and vayne. Add me ingame [Timmeyy] or msg me on here.

I can play every night and alot of times on the day as well.

By the way, why does 95% of the posts here have NO information about whether they play EU or US :S really annoying especially for the clans recruiting!


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