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Creator: Le Shady May 11, 2012 6:43pm
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Le Shady
Le Shady's Forum Avatar
May 11th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 11, 2012 6:43pm | Report
Honestly don't even know what to put here, so i'll just do this:

My name is Cam or you can call me Shady, whichever you feel easier. I have been playing MMORPG's like Runescape and World of Warcraft dating back too Runescape Classic, I have also done some programming and graphic design in my day. I recently was introduced too League of Legends by my Runescape clan and have become addicted too the game, can't set it down :p. Been using Mobafire for some quick guides if needed, figured I should register if i'm going to be around here so often.

Right now I am currently level 21 and have about 20 champions unlocked(not including free), all of which I can play reasonably well. Nearly full rune pages and would say i'm pretty good for not having any help starting up? What I would really enjoy though is some sort of coaching or teaching, maybe somebody to run duo with me and help me out with gameplay.

On the flip-side of things, I have been working on a program that incorporates all of the #1 Champion builds into it. So you can select your champion and it has the full guide inside the program. As much as it would help myself, I feel it'd help a lot of new players as well. If any guide-makers want to help me out with it, that'd be amazing as well.

So yeah, that's about it? If you want to talk too me or meet me, shoot me a PM or add me in game: Viva La Shady
<Inhouse Regular>
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Apr 15th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 11, 2012 11:25pm | Report
Around 20 is always a nice time to start runepages.
It's also great that you have alot of champs :D.

You can check out the mentoring section for a mentor to teach you.

Welcome to the forums.
Le Shady
Le Shady's Forum Avatar
May 11th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 5:25am | Report

Around 20 is always a nice time to start runepages.
It's also great that you have alot of champs :D.

You can check out the mentoring section for a mentor to teach you.

Welcome to the forums.

been more focused on playing all champions and getting a feel for the game rather than using IP towards runes. i do ahve T2 and T1 runes that I bought when I was like level 11 that help me out a bit now.
Le Shady
Le Shady's Forum Avatar
May 11th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 5:25am | Report

Around 20 is always a nice time to start runepages.
It's also great that you have alot of champs :D.

You can check out the mentoring section for a mentor to teach you.

Welcome to the forums.

been more focused on playing all champions and getting a feel for the game rather than using IP towards runes. i do ahve T2 and T1 runes that I bought when I was like level 11 that help me out a bit now.

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