Hey Inky, I can't promise you that we can get you to platinum elo but I think this offer might interested you. I run a league community that is composed of casual and competative players. Here is just some more info for you to refer: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/forum/matchmaking/rotn-revenge-of-the-nerds-recruiting-17077 my contact info is listed on that post as well, or you can just PM me if you have any other questions. We have quiet a few players forming ranked teams and such and some talented players sitting above 1900 elo. We enjoy having a good time, but are always focused on winning. Give us some consideration, we would love to have you join us. Drop by and check us out! ^.^
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I can fill any role although i will admit that my less experienced roles are Jungle and ADC.
If you're looking for another member to round out your team or even if you're just bored and don't want to play alone, toss me an invite. My lol name is rTv Lnky