I don't play that much so there might be scheduling problems :o
i can skype, my ign is Mikuroo
my main junglers are amumu and skarner. I'm learning more, i've been buying all the junglers, and I am learning rammus and shyvana.
Don't judge my elo, I had to raise it from 800 to whatever I am now cause my friend started solo queue ranked on it and lost alot.
i can skype, my ign is Mikuroo
my main junglers are amumu and skarner. I'm learning more, i've been buying all the junglers, and I am learning rammus and shyvana.
Don't judge my elo, I had to raise it from 800 to whatever I am now cause my friend started solo queue ranked on it and lost alot.
yolo, teemo to strong in low elo
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me and a couple buddies are putting together a team to start doing some ranked 5v5 play.
i picked up one player from posting here and now we really just need one more. as it stands we really fill all 4 lane positions well, and we have great chemistry that is only improving.
any experienced jungler who is looking to have a good time and hopefully win some good games is welcome to respond to this post or pm me here for info.