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looking for members to round out our team

Creator: The Tasty Pwnz July 27, 2012 8:18am
The Tasty Pwnz
The Tasty Pwnz's Forum Avatar
Mar 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2012 8:18am | Report
Hi everyone,
As it stands we have 3 members to our team. all lvl 30, all experienced, and our chemistry is very good.
at the moment we have a very good adc player, we tend to make him stick to that role, though we do switch it up from time to time.
I play top, a mediocre jungle if necessary, or tank/support bot with our adc.
our third guy plays support or mid, though he is starting to pick up jungle in the last few weeks.

really looking for a few more members, preferably junglers and APCs who are dedicated to furthering their skills through ranked team play. my patience with solo q has been dwindling as my elo started dropping recently to levels i personally find unacceptable.

we play on NA servers, usually somewhere between 7pm-12am EST.
message me or respond to this post if you are interested in jumping in a normal with us and seeing how you like it.
The Tasty Pwnz
The Tasty Pwnz's Forum Avatar
Mar 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 28, 2012 10:07am | Report
got a few PM responses, just bumping this to see if anyone else is interested :)
ArcaneMagic's Forum Avatar
Sep 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 16, 2012 7:24pm | Report
I'm interested if you are still open. I main AP carries (Brand, Ziggs, Kennen) support (sona and zilean) ADC (kog'maw and sivir). Then on rare occasions i play heim, vlad, ahri, and ryze.

Im usually on around those times you mentioned.
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