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NA Silver ADC looking for a Support

Creator: bigcity July 24, 2013 10:45am
bigcity's Forum Avatar
Mar 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2013 10:45am | Report
IGN: BIGcitySancuary
ADC's: Cait Ezreal Sivir Varus Twitch
Need Improvement: Vayne Draven
Skype: Semien31

Hi i am looking for a duo partner that mains support. I have duoed with people before that usually play in different lanes. But I enjoy some games where the duo comes bot with me... As i have never lost a lane and/or game that iv played with a duo bot. Being able to coordinate dives and focusing is a very big advantage that often wins lanes. Also little things like CS under tower, freezing, and pushing lanes is something most supports dont know in solo-ranked and is too much work/time too type out in game... As an ADC i am exceptionally well at Positioning (especially with cait) But my CS skills are hit and miss. I can honestly say 100 CS at 10 minutes has always been pretty easy for me to achieve. But im not exactly 100% getting every last CS which is something i need to work on.

(please Leave)
Good Supports:
Need Improvement:
Playstyle (Aggressive or Passive):
Other Roles:

I am pretty much a all PC gammer and someone that plays games like Awesomenaughts, Starcraft 2, ect always a plus.
OGNumik's Forum Avatar
Aug 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 2, 2013 9:43pm | Report
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qEbow's Forum Avatar
May 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 2, 2013 11:55pm | Report
IGN: qEbow
Good Supports: Thresh,Leona,Blitz, SOna, Nami, Janna,Taric, Alistar,Karma,Lux, Well im good with all supports. I only dont have Lulu. But first 4 supports i like the most thats why i put em first i play almoust the same with all of them, but i play thresh all the time.
Need Improvement: There is like always 1sec delay on my ult well not always but im kinda late sometimes or when we start a fight im kinda late with ult but at the end it doesent matter bec we kill em all in moust of the time. But i want to improve that and positioning im good with that and in teamfights i stick to my adc except when im thresh i pull my self in ult then all come in but in 99% im next to you. Warding im good with it i had alot of practice and stuff..But sometimes i forget on mini map and i dont see a enemy champ in 80% we pull out safe :D but still..
Playstyle (Aggressive or Passive): Depends im easy to ajust to my adc sometimes i mix bouth if they poke we poke harder
Skype: yes, deadunix
Other Roles: top,jungle,mid and ad of them all i know the ad moust, but supporting <3
Quote :
"You dont get PAID in fact take one minion from a ADC and wach him go afk EMEDIATELY!
you get yelled at more than nigga missing smite."
qEbow's Forum Avatar
May 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 2, 2013 11:56pm | Report
I want to apolohize i didnt see te topic right im wery sad im EUNE. Sorry again.
Quote :
"You dont get PAID in fact take one minion from a ADC and wach him go afk EMEDIATELY!
you get yelled at more than nigga missing smite."
Nylonthread's Forum Avatar
Aug 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 3, 2013 8:07pm | Report
IGN: Nylonthread

Good Supports: Leona, Blitzcrank, Alistar, Taric Fiddlesticks(LOL)

Need Improvement: Janna, Lulu
(With Janna I need to play more games to get a real feel for her mechanics as for Lulu I bought her for lolzy top lane so I would need to try her in a support setting.)

Playstyle (Aggressive or Passive): I prefer Aggressive play. I.E Leona, Blitz, etc but can play

Skype: eatzlotsoskittles

Other Roles: Top
MankindsBadHABIT's Forum Avatar
Sep 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2013 12:51am | Report
Good Supports: Sona, Taric
Need Improvement: Soraka, Janna (Will be trying to buy Lulu soon.)
Playstyle (Aggressive or Passive): Aggressive when Sona or Taric occasionally as Soraka, but awfully passive as Janna.
Skype: padlocke09
Other Roles: Mid, ADC, Top.

Note: I'm B4. But I like to think I play a good support, and you're welcome to give me a shot once or twice.
Magnus Sterling
Magnus Sterling's Forum Avatar
Aug 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2013 11:38am | Report
IGN: Magnus Sterling

Good Supports: Janna, Soraka, Leona, Nunu (Learning Nami, and others now)

Need Improvement: Late-mid game I will occasionally forget to place more and more wards. Most games I do, but occasionally I'll blank out. I need to fine tune all my support champs, as Janna has become my favorite, and go to, support champ. I also need to generally improve the champ pool I can choose from.

Play style (Aggressive or Passive): I prefer to play aggressive, but also like to pick and choose my moments.

Skype: Will give if interested.

Other Roles: I'll generally play any role except ADC. I love to mid with Kass, Akali, or Veigar. I also like to run top lane with J4, Singed, Akali, Nasus, Yi, or whoever. Jungling is fun, I need to work on my early game ganks with some of my champs however.

I feel that having good teamwork can usually overcome a lot of things. Bad teamwork, cancerous teammates, etc. are the biggest things to cause losses. I have a few ADCs that I like to duo with, and am always looking for others. I'm currently a BIII, still fighting. 5+ game hot streaks always lead to a losing streak that takes me from 97 LP to 23. Haha. Let me know if you want to link up for a game or two.


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