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Paladin045 reporting in

Creator: Paladin045 April 25, 2012 6:10pm
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Apr 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 25, 2012 6:10pm | Report
I just now discovered that Mobafire has a forum... I've used this resource for a while now, I figure it's about time I start giving back.

Paladin045 is my username here, it's my summoner name, and it's my general 'net handle; look me up somewhere else if you like what I have to say. I'm Lv30, with Shen and Kassadin as my mains. I'm still stuck in ELO Hell this season because I want to actually get good enough to win a few Ranked games before I play any more =P

There's... not much else to say about me, actually. I've got a Shen build written; look it up in my signature if you're at all interested. I guess this is where I sign off. I look forward to seeing some of you on the Fields of Justice.
You're already dead. You just haven't caught up yet.

Like Shen? View my guide here. I'll be adding more guides as I master more champions; be on the lookout for Kassadin next.

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