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's Forum Avatar recruiting new players. COME AND...

Creator: Osiris659 August 21, 2012 6:17pm
Osiris659's Forum Avatar
Jul 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 21, 2012 6:17pm | Report
Rageflask is a community that has been together for the past year now. Our goal is simple: To eventually dominate every single game as a "hardcore gaming community". We assign a manager to any new game / old game worth our time, and each manager leads our players to ultimate victory.

For instance, we are currently involved with League of Legends, Diablo 3, CS:Go, Battlefield 3, World of Warcraft, Dark Souls, and many others that we find interesting/worthwhile. We are always, (yes, always), looking to pick up new managers for new games, and/or new players to make up one of our gaming teams. The best part is that there is ALWAYS a place for you, in one game or another. You are always able to find some place to fit in Rageflask.
What keeps us ever-growing is the fact that we will always continue to expand to any new game possible. We are looking to range in the thousands of organized, dedicated, and active players to represent us, and lead us to the top of the leaderboards. You're probably asking yourself how you can go about signing up with us?

If you're looking to join us, go apply to our general section at (you'll find a general application there). Once accepted, you can apply for one of our games, or ask to manage a new game that we don't yet have listed. New games and managers are accepted by myself, and are usually accepted/declined within 24 hours.
You can also enjoy some of the perks of our eight sponsors, although some are currently unlisted. We are provided with free hosting, as well as many different discounts for gaming equipment / clothing. More information can be found out upon being accepted. We are constantly growing as a community, which means new things just around the corner, and consistent updates!
Most importantly, when you become a part of Rageflask, you MUST stay active. We prune our member list every single week, getting rid of dozens of inactive accounts. We want you to enjoy playing with us, and keep playing with us. If you aren't, we shouldn't be considering you a member in the first place. Everyone has a life, of course, but if you don't log on for weeks at a time, it is somewhat obvious why.

Cheers, can't wait to see all of the new applicants!

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