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Remaking of the SeXy Tramps

Creator: SXT Vilenax November 3, 2014 1:38pm
SXT Vilenax
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Oct 26th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2014 1:38pm | Report
Hey guys, I am looking for some players to help me out in the rework of my ranked team, the SeXy Tramps. It fell apart due to most of the team being unreliable. I am looking Silver+ ranked players who can do voice communication such as Curse Voice, TeamSpeak, or Skype, etc. I will not tolerate trash talking or anything unprofessional. I am looking to do several tournaments with the team, and push (with enough practice) to be LCS capable. So far we are 3 Gold members and a Platinum member. Though we can always take in a few more. I am setting the roster here so far for my team, and what spots are open, so you can see if you are able to fit in. Please PM me or post here about any questions, comments, concerns or inquiries. Thank you for your time.

Roster for The SeXy Tramps:
Top - Open
Jungle - Open
ADC - Open
Support - SXT Vilenax

Armasus can fill
Boba Fett will prefer top or jungle.

So feel free to apply to any of the open lanes. I look forward to hearing from anyone!

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