lawl this makes 2 TAW advertisements on the forum. SOMEONE should def come and join the family!
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
Well you need to complete the videos, after that someone will be in contact with you to continue the process.
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
You need to log in before commenting.
Looking for a Clan? Aiming to improve your skills for competitive play? Want friends to play casually with? Tired of solo queuing? Searching for some competitive players to climb the elo ladder with? The Art of Warfare (TAW) clan is for you!
TAW participates in a wide variety of games, but is separated into game specific "divisions".
Our League of Legends Division:
Here in the League of Legends division, all are welcome from the new players just starting out to experienced members who have been around since the game was in closed beta. We have a wide variety of each. If you are interested in competitive play you will find a home here. If you are more of a casual player you will never be forced to play in the ranked scene. For communication we use a variety of different methods. For voice we use TS3 (teamspeak 3) and xfire. We also employ our own e-mail system and clan site forums.
TAW holds League of Legends practices twice a week over TeamSpeak. Clan members are divided into squads of 5 which are kept as consistent as possible every week, and are led by an experienced "Fireteam Leader". There is a strong emphasis on attendance.
If you are looking for a great place to come and play games and make new friends follow the link below and submit your application, soon after you will receive an e-mail confirmation to begin the process of becoming a member of an amazing gaming community.
The Art of Warfare (TAW) was formed in March of 2001 by members who played Delta Force: Land Warrior together. From these humble beginnings TAW has grown into an organization unlike any other.
Here in TAW we are more than just a clan of gamers. We are vast community of players from all across the globe. With each member bringing their experiences in gaming and personality into their respective division. All of our members adhere to our code of ethics (all links will be posted at the bottom) which forms the structure of our community. Part of this code of ethics is our mission statement:
The mission of The Art of Warfare is to build a premier international online gaming organization, through cooperative development as an independent community focused on structured gaming, while holding paramount honor, friendship, loyalty, and fair play and most importantly to have fun.
TAW is broken up into several divisions in which their members participate in weekly scheduled training/practice matches and internal tournaments. We also frequently play against other clans/gaming groups when the interest arises. Each game we play hosts its own mini-clan that operates within the whole of TAW making us the large community we are. From FPS games to MMOs we have it all.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our growing organization which has been around for 10 years you will find TAW to be a welcoming and accepting group of good folks who just want to enjoy the gaming experience.
Best regards,
Adadu, Staff Officer of EUNE Battalion
You can reach me in game by adding my in game name - Adadu
Make sure you have the following:
Teamspeak 3 -
and a working mic
*Just click Join TAW at the top right corner to apply*
(create an account and select the division applying for when prompted)