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Uhmm hai?

Creator: Screwsies August 5, 2013 8:14pm
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Screwsies's Forum Avatar
Aug 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2013 8:14pm | Report
Hello everyone, my name is Screwsies or sometimes I like to go by the name of puffy or grapes/strawberries! I 've been meaning to make a account here for a while since I learned alot of my tips and tricks for playing league here since I figured out about this website in the middle of season 2. So in total im a huge lurker :3 but I wish to get to know some of the other people here and I want to better myself in league.

My IGN is Puffywonders, I mostly support and jungle but I aim to devote alot of my time to getting good as Ahri since I love to use her as a Support(I often get called a troll during selection but prove myself in game :p) and Mid! I'd love to learn new things about LoL and such so I'm open to anyone willing to teach because I'm willing to learn :D

You can ask me anything else you want to know about me n such and feel free to add me if you want to play a few rounds!

Note: I'm terrible at anything that isn't 5v5 or 3v3

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