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A jungler's road to Platinum EUW

Creator: pepsiM4A1 September 16, 2013 10:42am
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May 13th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2013 10:42am | Report
Hello there, my name is TurBooo0 currently Gold IV. This quest came to my mind after I finally got my EUNE account sUkUrIbEy to Gold V. This is going to be a challange since platinum players are pretty good but, I guess I am as good as them, at least when I am given the jungle. Don't get me wrong, I am a good support, and a really strong top laner but I prefer jungling because in my opinion it is easier to carry when jungling.
Today I played two games, with Lee Sin and Nasus, both jungling.
The Lee Sin game was really cool. A really tensioned early game, but once we got to mid game, it started to become one-sided. I tried and fed my bot lane, Elise(top lane) didn't need any help but Malphite(mid lane) was horribly losing to Nidalee so I sticked there and got some easy kills because Nidalee was usually aggressive. At the end of the game we were all fed and hard to kill.
Here is an image of my Nasus game:
Well so this game was pretty much horrible. Tristana was your typical low elo player. She started with W just so she can jump Graves and Sona, then having to use her Flash and Barrier to get away and recalling thus setting her 2-3 waves behind. I came bot and Blitzcrank took firstblood altough I wanted to give it to Tristana. After that, I kept constantly ganking and ended up feeding Zed because he was my anchor(one of the only potent players). During mid game we lost most teamfights due to Tristana not having built any other items than her Berserker's Greaves and Doran's Blade. Seeing that we lose teamfights, I kept farming my Q and ganked Riven twice because their laning just didn't end.
You all know what a late game Nasus can do, I was literally jumping all of them, getting ulted by Shen then Zed was coming with an ult and Tristana and Blitzcrank doing GOD knows what. We ended picking up baron twice and won the game.
I am pretty busy since school started but I am going to post my games here and I am going TO say what I could have improved in the game, what things I did in a wrong way and all that stuff but for now I am going to get some sleep.
Check out my Aatrox guide!

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