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Veatz's Slow, Painful Slog Through Gold

Creator: Veatz May 21, 2013 2:03pm
Veatz's Forum Avatar
May 19th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2013 2:03pm | Report
Hey everybody! Just finally made an account on MOBAfire the other day after lurking for so long, and now that I've started posting on the forums, I figured what better way to introduce myself and get to know some people than to start one of these threads. So let's get started!

About me: Been playing for about, well, probably six or seven months, so a little while, but not as long as alot of people. I previously mained ADC, but recently switched to focus more on top lane. I jungle as well occasionally. If you keep up with this thread, you will be seeing alot of top lane Tryndamere and Trundle, as well as Renekton. I'm trying to expand my champion pool top lane, but I like to keep it very limited while I learn the ins and outs of champs. As for junglers, you can expect a good number of FotM champs typically, right now Hecarim and Nautilus. For as much as I love Trundle top, I never can seem to get going with him out of the jungle.

A note about my play style. I really do put the SOLO in solo queue, which is why I wanted to focus on top lane, which can be very isolated. I focus on taking towers, building a CS advantage, and FORCING the enemy jungler and mid laner to come deal with me. I've learned that there are all sorts of ways to win games, only one of which is killing the enemy. My KDA is usually nothing spectacular, but I like to think I often make up for it with making calls and opening up objectives for my team. I am usually not shy about making calls to my team, but again, in solo queue it has good moments (2 people come to deal with me bot, trade 1 for 1, we secure baron) and bad moments (tell team to just poke at top tower, someone dives, everyone dies). But I consider myself to be guilty in those situations. If my team isn't able to apply the strat correctly, I shouldn't be trying to make it work, and should probably try to help them 5v5.

Happy to announce that I am starting this just as I qualified for my promotional series to Gold 4! We'll see how it goes. The game that qualified me wasn't very good as you can see. TF rage quit. We were actually WAY ahead early (I even gave first blood to Jax on a level 2 Trundle gank, but came back to win my lane before TF left), but once it was 5v4, we made some really dumb plays thinking "this game is over". Fortunately recovered, focused on pushing, and ended it shortly after 20. As a side note, if anyone around my division is looking for a duo partner, and would like to try me out, feel free to message me in game or on here. I'm really looking to meet people from MOBAfire to play with, so please say hi, and if anyone needs a player for a game and see me in Mobafire chat, invite me!
Veatz's Forum Avatar
May 19th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2013 3:37pm | Report
Figured I would post the game-by-game results of just for this first series, then I'll probably just give periodic updates and highlight any particularly notable games. Couldn't ask for a better first promo game. Besides a little bickering in champion select about the Fiddle mid pick, everyone got along pretty well. Helped Shen get a first blood on Rengar, that lane snowballed hard, and then I just camped mid really hard. Picked up a nice double kill mid when Shen and I counterganked Vi and Ryze going on Fiddle. Picked up dragon off of that, and bot won hard on their own, so all in all really great start!
Veatz's Forum Avatar
May 19th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2013 6:45pm | Report
Well, 2nd game of promo series I played Jungle Nautilus again. I started red, so our mid khazix and top zed did wolves, khazix killed the big one, zed got pissed, and intentionally fed top 2 kills before 4 minutes. Game was pretty much over there, but we actually stayed in it, it was close through midgame, but then everyone just kept getting caught out. We literally NEVER had a good teamfight, and their top was out of control, so tough loss. I meant to screencap, but I did one of those rage clicks away from the post game screen so I don't have one. Finished 2/4/9, so not a great game, didn't make any big plays, sad day.

BUT REDEMPTION IN THE THIRD GAME. Tryndamere top vs Wukong. Took wolves at level 1, cheesed him at level 2, and just snowballed out of control. Wukong rage quit after I dove him and completely denied his farm. Game was over then. Roamed mid, picked up a kill on Karthus, and other team just gave up. Kinda goofed off after that. I'll take it!

GOLD 4! Someone congratulate me so I don't feel like I'm talking to myself lol.
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2013 3:13am | Report
Grats :)

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Veatz's Forum Avatar
May 19th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2013 11:05am | Report
Thank you :)

A little bit more about me and my time playing league. I'm one of those people who did it what I would call the WRONG way. As soon as I hit 30, I spammed ranked like a soldier. Literally every game I played was ranked, and I didn't even have ideal rune pages for most of what I was playing, and I often just picked any old champion (that's why my lolking has like me playing 40 some champs in ranked).

As you could guess, it was a disaster, and found myself in the low bronze tiers at the beginning of season 3 (bronze 4). But as I started to focus, work actively on improving, and limiting my champion pool, I started to climb.

The main reason for this entire thread is that I do think that some low-tier players could learn a lot through following someone like me. I don't consider myself a really good player at all, and I don't have great mechanics (I have the hand-eye coordination of a blind kid with no hands), but I'm TRYING not to let that hold me back. I work on improving that all the time, and meanwhile try to really exploit the things that I can. Even if my mechanics aren't great, I can still win games by having superior map awareness, objective control, and shot calling. In general, really find the things in the game that you can exploit in solo queue with your skillset, and get to practicing!

Leads me to another thought: just queuing constantly does not equal practicing! I know from personal experience. For a few months, I played hundreds of games, and was bewildered because I never felt myself getting better. It's because I wasn't really focused. Practicing means working on last hitting in custom games if necessary, practicing means figuring out a pre-game routine that puts you in the best frame of mind to focus on the game, practicing means really learning about lane control and considering what EVERY decision you make in the game really means.

If you start doing that, there are a million ways to climb up the divisions. I may peak at Gold IV, or I may climb higher, but hopefully my experiences can help others climb as well.
Ahruu's Forum Avatar
May 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2013 1:40pm | Report
Grats on your climbing and also for the good read. Keep going. :)
Don't +rep me im a bad person
Veatz's Forum Avatar
May 19th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2013 6:45pm | Report
Thanks much, and glad you like! Taking a quick break from ranked as I just moved to a new apartment today, getting used to the setup and new internet (faster internet hurrah) so will be back for more soon.

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