Hello I am Dtrikz and because I can't seem find any Review Shops I'm doing my own. I have a Varus guide that has been sitting for quite sometime and it bothers me quite a lot. At this point i just want activity on it whether that be bad or good, just something. I am a Platinum ADC and have in-depth knowledge of the game and almost all the champions.
So you scratch my back I'll Scratch yours. Review my Varus guide and I'll review yours.
Why am I opening a Review Shop?
I want to help other people get their guides off the ground wether or not they are good quality, I will try to review them and give some good feedback. Post your guides here and I'll get to them because it is break I have a lot of time on my hands right now.
[quote=Dtrikz]Hello I am Dtrikz and because I can't seem find any Review Shops I'm doing my own. I have a Varus guide that has been sitting for quite sometime and it bothers me quite a lot. At this point i just want activity on it whether that be bad or good, just something. I am a Platinum ADC and have in-depth knowledge of the game and almost all the champions.
So you scratch my back I'll Scratch yours. Review my Varus guide and I'll review yours.
Why am I opening a Review Shop?
I want to help other people get their guides off the ground wether or not they are good quality, I will try to review them and give some good feedback. Post your guides here and I'll get to them because it is break I have a lot of time on my hands right now.
Varus guide: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/team-puple-286616[/quote]
So you scratch my back I'll Scratch yours. Review my Varus guide and I'll review yours.
Why am I opening a Review Shop?
I want to help other people get their guides off the ground wether or not they are good quality, I will try to review them and give some good feedback. Post your guides here and I'll get to them because it is break I have a lot of time on my hands right now.
Varus guide: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/team-puple-286616