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Brand new player, bad matches.

Creator: Ragepanda1 February 16, 2021 1:58am
Ragepanda1's Forum Avatar
Feb 16th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2021 1:58am | Report
I come from playing Smite for a very long time. I understand warding, roles, positioning, value after plays, and all of that stuff. It's my second day playing and I still am stuck with people who won't even call roles, never respect a called role, never ward, never rotate, quit after two minutes. I'm basically losing every game. Maybe a 20% win rate. Feels like an enemy smurf every game, and while I'm fully aware of my map and vision and rotating the game is so mechanically different that I just end up being the best of the worst team without being able to carry. How long do I have to do this before my team understands basic functions of the game? I don't even care if we win, I just want to be playing the actual game. I want people to be playing their roles and to maybe place a couple of wards. Or is random queuing always full garbage? Do I need a 5 stack to have fun?
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Hades4u's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2021 2:20am | Report
Hey @ Ragepanda1! Welcome to MOBAFire and League of Legends! :)

I've been playing SMITE and DotA 2 before starting playing League a few months ago and I know exactly what you mean. I think you need to give yourself and the game a little more time, as matches get better and better the more you progress in level and skill.

When I started playing more, my matches significantly improved once I've unlocked draft matches at level 10. Until then, matches were pretty much as you described. People weren't playing their roles, smurfs were destroying everything and it wasn't the best starting experience at all.

Playing draft pick was much better and I reached level 30 without even realizing it. As soon as I did, I started playing Ranked and it's been great. Of course, as any other competitive game, you're going to encounter bad players and have rough matches, but that's how these games work!

As about your question about playing with friends, I think this is generally applicable to any game. If you can play with friends, it's a good idea to do so! Feel free to join our Discord server if you're looking for more people to play with or need any help! :)

Good luck, have fun, never surrender!
permabanforlife's Forum Avatar
Feb 17th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2021 6:30pm | Report
You have to first realize that can happen to anyone at any time. Even in challenger elo once in a while some random will troll the game before it even started for whatever reason. You just have to deal with it. Sometimes it's on your team, sometimes it's on the enemy. What you can do to decrease the chances of that happening is stick to draft picks rather than blinds and when someone instalocks even on draft if you feel for it you can dodge. For the sake of having healthier games. Once you reach lvl 30 and improve to the point you can't fall below gold elo you should be good to go and be able to play your game.
Sliperyhippo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 14, 2021 11:53pm | Report
Like what was said above, it's tough to start league now-a-days due to a bit of a smurfing problem for your first few games. The draft pick mode is probably your best bet for calling rolls, as it requires you call the before you even start queuing! If you can't just "tough it out" for your first few games- I'd recommend convincing a few of your palls and buddies to try out the game with you! If your friends are a little reluctant to try new things, just be nice to the better players on your team and shoot them a friend request after a game; soon you will have a friends list full of people who know how to play the game!
Eventually the smurf games get fewer and farer between with the league patented skill based match making system bumping them out of your que! It shouldn't even take too many games for that to happen, as they leave blind pick and draft pick as soon as they can play ranked.
Nunu, my beloved

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