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Korean Challenger Drama.

Creator: Napoleon D November 12, 2013 12:46pm
Napoleon D
Napoleon D's Forum Avatar
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Jun 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2013 12:46pm | Report
Epic battle for challenger
This is even worse than my attempt to try hard at the lats minute for Diamond.

Ill just copy pasterino the information from reddit if you guys don't want to click on link.

background info
1) riot korea previously announced that ranking until 1159pm would be considered for reward
2) Samsung Deft and 소환사의진(Player A) were in their promo. deft was on his fifth game of promo and 소환사의진(A) was 2/1
3) Im Kuro and 잉뽀유(Player B) were next in line to get kicked out from challenger if either of kuro or player A won promo. but 잉뽀유(B) had 30mins left on his immunity buff
4) apdo got permabanned for elo boosting but he got gold account from friend that he made it to challenger recently and rumors say his promo was trolled by 소환사의진(A) in the past.
11:00-11:30pm deft and kuro were on same team while 잉뽀유(B) was on enemy team. since they were losing , 잉뽀유(B) quickly surrendered at 25 min (so he still has immunity buff) and let kuro kicked out instead as deft promoted to challenger.
소환사의진(A) was in different game. Apdo who was in same team trolled with 6mejai shen because of faker (who by any means, did nothing wrong. he was 6/1/3something when team was losing). note that one of fakers team was also trolling with ap rammus
11:40pm 소환사의진(A) and 잉뽀유(B) got same team together. but since his buff was gone, he dodged the game.
11:55pm after couple more dodges, 소환사의진(A) finally got into gamewith Apdo on enemy team.
apdo decided to troll and leave the game so 소환사의진(A) could win.
12:30am 소환사의진(A) won and reached challenger but it was 1230ish so everyone thought he would be only challenger without reward.
1:53 am riot korea announced that they just contacted with riot and was told ranking upto 130am would be considered for the reward. For incorrect previous announcement, riot korea apologized.
so 소환사의진(A) would get the reward
i need to delete this account
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2013 1:00pm | Report
guys, click the link. it is easier to understand there.
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2013 7:11pm | Report
well, that was fun...

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