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League of Legends Gathers

Creator: Hiper February 22, 2012 7:38am
Hiper's Forum Avatar
Feb 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2012 7:38am | Report
Hey everyone,

I am a member of League of Legends Gathers administration team, and I am here to present you one of the largest league of legends project being developed for the community, I am talking about LoLGS - League of Legends Gathers -

What is a Gather?

Gather is a 5on5 draft mode custom game on League of Legends between 10 players from the same platform / country.

What do I need to Sign Up ?

You must have a level 30 League of Legends account on the Europe-West Platform that will be checked by a in game profile screenshot from your account to make sure you own the account you are signing up.

How do I Sign Up?

To Sign Up in the gathers system you need to create an LoLGS account on the website, afterwards check your email for an activation link ( you should check your spam folder as well on your email account ) and finally you need to select from the homepage where you want to play, your country / platform, and apply for a summoner name.

There is a Registration Tutorial on YouTube -

Which Platform Ladder's are open currently ?

We have the Europe-West platform open, the North-America and Europe-East platforms are still closed at the moment, but we have plans to open this platforms in the near future.

Which Country Ladder's are currently open ?

The following country's are open at the moment ( country's from the European West platform ):

- Belgium
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Spain
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom

We will be opening more country ladders depending on how many players are using the gathers system, so if your country isn't listed, make sure you support the League of Legends Gathers community for a future ladder opening.

Which prizes are available ?

At the moment, we are still on beta and the ladders don't have prizes until the start of March, except the Portuguese Defs Xfunction Ladder which already has prizes in February.

The current system is monthly based, every month we are resetting the ladder of each country / platform and all the ranks for each player are getting back to the default values.

How do I support the project ?

You can support the project as a player by playing regularly on League of Legends Gathers and using the website / forum.

You can support the project as an organization or individual by contacting

If there is anything you would like to know, you are able to reach us through our email - - or through our website - - we also have a support system online, so please feel free to use it.

Regards for all the community

League of Legends Gathers
LaronX's Forum Avatar
Oct 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2012 7:54am | Report
Why no mixed team? It would be more competivi to do so.
Thanks lgnition for the Sig.

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