Hey, my name is Natalie (known as CatfaceMeow/CatfaceNyan)
I have made a few speed art videos based around LoL characters and I've also made valentines cards that will be given away on a live stream Monday 13th Feb and 7:00pm GMT.
The stream is by a well known LoL player on athenelive.com
I'm getting a fair bit of notice now through youtube and my website
Go have a look! There's plenty more to come, including a pentakill wallpaper that you can use! http://www.lackofskills.com
Let me know what you think!!
[quote=CatfaceMeow][b]Hey, my name is Natalie (known as CatfaceMeow/CatfaceNyan)
I have made a few speed art videos based around LoL characters and I've also made valentines cards that will be given away on a live stream Monday 13th Feb and 7:00pm GMT.
The stream is by a well known LoL player on athenelive.com
I'm getting a fair bit of notice now through youtube and my website
Go have a look! There's plenty more to come, including a pentakill wallpaper that you can use!
Let me know what you think!![/b][/quote]
My own personal design and drawn from scratch, hope you like it <3
[quote=CatfaceMeow][color=#800080][b]HAPPY VALENTINES DAY FROM AHRI <3
My own personal design and drawn from scratch, hope you like it <3[/b][/color]
I have made a few speed art videos based around LoL characters and I've also made valentines cards that will be given away on a live stream Monday 13th Feb and 7:00pm GMT.
The stream is by a well known LoL player on athenelive.com
I'm getting a fair bit of notice now through youtube and my website
Go have a look! There's plenty more to come, including a pentakill wallpaper that you can use!
Let me know what you think!!