Looks like LeBlanc is before Irelia :/
Looks like LeBlanc is before Irelia :/
My right arm is stronger than my left arm!
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update: now i have 2 sources on this leaked info. in english and hungarian.
i got this leaked info from a hungarian blog from EU server. i did lots of translating without the knowledge of hungarian. this in no way is very reliable, but i did my cross-reference and some stuffs do check out. i posted links if anyone wants to see the cross-reference. I DONE THIS FOR FUN LOL AND IT IS POSSIBLE THIS COULD BE LEAKED ON EU FORUM ALREADY. BUT I HAVENT SEEN ANY POSTS FOR THIS. READ/BELIEVE AT UR OWN RISK.
! new map : magma chamber comming for halloween!
“Its a 5v5 but on a bigger map, so lanes are further. New NPC with new buffs also appear and a teleport inside the base to help you move around the map.”
"As we know Swain is coming next week, Swain. He is followed by new female champion, a magician that uses light energy. (this could be Lux, Garen�s sister Then, a champion called Irelia, the Ionian Captain of the Guard.
. After her, , a two-sz�¶rnyes champion. Lastly, a champion called Leblanc.
Irelia is a melee dps champion, who is an offensive attacker with a defensive skill similar to Wuju-style. The passive of this skill allow all auto-attacks with vamp. If you use this skill vamp/regen stops, but in return receives bonus true spell damage. This makes her a DPS with survival skill like Master Yi and Jax. She is a good jungler.
future champions in work:
� Aeon will be a melee DPS assassin. Ability to give him one of the attack speed debuff, and a stack of his opponent. There will be a stream of active nuke / teleports, the passive stat bonuses and the passage of time gives Aeon (Herald of the Ages).
� sniper champion, who can be compared to Windrunner in DotA. But he will be a large animal Nuker
� DPS shadow assassin
� gravitational champion (manipulates gravity)
� a two-space (Void's) champion, but they are only expected in the middle of next year
Champions to be reworked:
� Evelyn (the next patch comes):
The change is designed to increase burst dmg and improve survivability
� Teemo (reworked/improved ult)
� Jax
� Twisted Fate
� Alistair
� Tryndamere
� Siviri
� Other:
other updates:
� Ezreal and Urgot is considered useless, because there is no real role in a team (fight). In the future, hopefully developers will trying to find some role for them.
� Shurelia is working on strengthening the survivability for Pantheon
� Fiddlesticks and Rammus will have cooldown improvement or decreased mana cost for spells.
� Legendary Udyr skin coming soon.
� Mastery tree possible rework in the distant future.
� After Sona there will be a new healer champion. it is possible that Sona�s Q and passive will receive a nerf in Damage
� 8 to 10 new Champions are also being worked at the same time, which means that up to now they are also being prepared. As well as the completion/permanent release of the game will happen only half a year later.
� On 27 October, it will be a one-year birthday LoL, which will likely have a celebration. (event of some kind?) "
Additional pics of hexdrinker and runegorger. these are already confirmed by a previous rumor leak by one of the admins here.