Vapora Dark wrote:
They haven't changed the fact that he's a meelee ADC with no Trynda-like defense mechanism.
But he does more dmg than tm
More reworks~
Thank you jhoijhoi, Keondre, LaCorpse, The_Nameless_Bard, Arcana3, Apfeljack, Hogopogo, eddie199, Xiaowiriamu, and JEFFY40HANDS for the spectacular sigs!

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holy hell, they kept the seven eyes, katena, sword boots, trenchcoat (kinda), and i don't know what these things are, but they look really cool.
Alpha Strike
For example, Alpha Strike now scales off total Attack Damage, deals physical damage and has some light interactions with critical strike and attack speed.
Hitting an enemy will reduce the cooldown of Alpha Strike - while critical strike will add mini-crits to the skill based on your critical strike chance and damage.
Alpha Strike will have fixed travel time between bounces - so an Alpha Strike on 4 targets will give you a consistent time of untargetability, rather than being proximity based. This also means that your opponents will have a better sense of when you'll fade back in, so good luck on that.
Alpha Strike has lost its AP ratio... for now. We're experimenting with some models here under-the-hood for a pure AP playstyle - unsure how it'll fully pan out.
Alpha Strike now counts as movement for the purposes of items such as Statik Shiv.
Meditate has changed from a flat armor / magic resistance boost to a % DR model as penetration was causing really weird damage potentials against what is supposed to be one of Yi's primary defense mechanisms.
It also restores more health the lower health you have - meditating at lower health will provide a bigger damage buffer / health restore in general than meditating at high health.
Wuju Style
Wuju Style has been changed from a flat boost to a % boost in total attack damage. This smooths out his power curve a bit better based on how well he's doing throughout the game, rather than spiking early at around level 9 and then really needing to snowball off a couple kills to remain decent.
Wuju's style's active now deals true damage based on a % of his total attack damage - Master Yi needs to be a threat, regardless of who he's attacking - but the damage difference between destroying squishy targets and piercing high armor targets was getting a bit absurd.
In general, Wuju Style will add less attack damage early but more and more as he builds additional Attack Damage and ranking it. We've compensated some of this early damage loss with an increase in base statistics and survivability.
One of the things we noticed from continuous playtests was that the more you made Yi focus on Alpha Strike and Highlander gameplay - the more of a restriction Highlander became.
One of the primary skills a player needs to know while playing Yi is when to engage a fight - but seeing so many opportunities pass by because you were waiting for an apparently unrelated cooldown (Highlander) seemed counter-intuitive for the build.
Highlander now has a passive/active component - the passive restoring basic cooldowns on kills and assists - while the active keeps the speed benefits that the original highlander had. Note, however, that Highlander will not reset itself passively or actively.
Double Strike
Double Strike was operating in a burst paradigm that seemed antithesis to the continuous threat pattern that we wanted to build up - Especially with Alpha Strike becoming a larger part of threat for AD - this spiked his assassin pattern to an unhealthy level.
Double Strike has been retuned as a building-up paradigm. Every 4th attack, Master Yi's next attack will strike twice for 100% damage and 50% on the second hit - but he must use this additional double strike within the next couple of seconds - This also had some neat synergies with the retuned Alpha Strike and Wuju Style.
only thing i don't like is they practically removed ap master yi. but otherwise looking really great.