Yukimaru wrote:
bout ur tip, if ur jungler doesnt want that ur take his wraiths, DONT FRIGGIN DO IT =_="
yeah thats true take theirs(if safe)
Some say he watched the lord of the rings sixty twelve times and he was pissed off at gandalf for stealing his idea for a halloween costume. all we know he's called McLovin.
My advice
Always take the blame for everything, apologize when you die or forgot to ward and if someone died in a teamfight while you were running away with 16 hp STILL APOLOGIZE! This keeps the spirits up and when you give your team directions, they will folow them more easily which helps you carry the game.
Psychology 101, or should I say *sunglasses* L0L http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YMPAH67f4o
Always take the blame for everything, apologize when you die or forgot to ward and if someone died in a teamfight while you were running away with 16 hp STILL APOLOGIZE! This keeps the spirits up and when you give your team directions, they will folow them more easily which helps you carry the game.
Psychology 101, or should I say *sunglasses* L0L http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YMPAH67f4o
Xiron wrote:
Play with your friends.
this should only be true if your friends aren't level 30s telling your "never played this game ever" noob *** to play with them.
because people whine when you go 0-25 with Sivir (my first experiences with this game were so great).
EDIT: My tip? Have fun. This is a game. If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.
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My tip: as an ap mid always be trying to take ur and your enemys wraith camp when you push your lane, this will put you WAY ahead on cs through early-mid game.