Generally don't listen to Pandora. Top 3 channels would be Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gorillaz, and a generic house channel. I usually only listen to Pandora when im chilling and not when im playing.
Anything and everything.
When it comes to music, the world is truly my oyster.
When it comes to music, the world is truly my oyster.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Yeah I listen to pretty much anything, I've been looking for an artist that will feed me some more modern country music, Toby Keither, Taylor Swift, Kenny Chesny kind of stuff. Anyone know an artist that won't randomly give me ****ing 50s country music?
+Rep if I helped you! | Ahri guide out soon!
Thanks to LeCorpse for my Signature!
^ Lil Wayne's your best bet.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Foo Fighers, Rise Against, Nickelback, Linkin Park, Godsmack, Red Hot Chilli Peppers. All those I listen while playing, it helps me giving guts to rush in. Though I alo listen Pendelum, that in general is a fine piece of moderen symphony to listen while raging on the chats. Though sometimes I listen to Micheal Jackson (Amg i'm such a great fan of him... After he died offcourse) and Elvish Presley. I wanted to say Beatles, but then I would be lying, I only listen to 1 song of the Beatles - Girl. Sometimes I listen to some top 40 music, or some remixes of my favorite songs. Its mood-depandant I guess.
If League of Legends is gay, then I am super****.
~Feel free to add me on LoL (EUW) Omerta, or on Skype: Joniakagod
~Feel free to add me on LoL (EUW) Omerta, or on Skype: Joniakagod
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But lately, Bob Marley! So chill, nothing but happy lyrics and keeps your head in the game with soothing sounds!
What do the rest of you Mobafirians(?) listen to?