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Account banned from voting

Creator: ShaunTron03 March 15, 2023 3:10pm
ShaunTron03's Forum Avatar
Jul 17th, 2022
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 15, 2023 3:10pm | Report
For some reason, I can't vote guides here, i don't know why
<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 20, 2023 1:34am | Report
Hey @ ShaunTron03!

Your voting ability has been revoked due to vote manipulation. Our General Rules & Guidelines state the following:

Each member is expected to vote in good faith and without bias, according to their opinion of the content. Working around site fail safes, bribing, falsifying or otherwise "fixing" voting on any build, comment, or other content is strictly forbidden. You get 1 vote and 1 vote only, use it wisely.

Feel free to send me a private message if you would like more information.

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