Matt (or any other Admin) was removing down (or up) votes only coz of multiple accounts made from single IP not becouse ppl just down voted. That would be ******ed and would require a fulltime 24/h job to do XD
I investigated your Miss Fortune guide and actually did find some suspicious voting. The related accounts have been permanently banned and ALL of their votes deleted.
Our system does prevent most voter abuse but there are some things we can't block without risking blocking a lot of fair use in the process. I do investigate any claims of voter abuse but it almost always turns out to be false accusations, so this case was an exception.
Cheating scum must pay!!
Our system does prevent most voter abuse but there are some things we can't block without risking blocking a lot of fair use in the process. I do investigate any claims of voter abuse but it almost always turns out to be false accusations, so this case was an exception.
Cheating scum must pay!!
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