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Item Sequence Build?

Creator: Alahric August 3, 2010 6:47pm
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Jan 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 3, 2010 6:47pm | Report
mrkid wrote:

please pull out additional intermediate items so stats calculate correctly. Thanks!
I got that as a response to my Ryze build, now notice that it says "Sequence" as in what order I buy my items. But at the same time you have "Build Stat Totals" showing us all the stats of the items shown in "Item Sequence Build", this somehow is sort of a dilema! Either one of them has to be incorrect, mostly because we usually sell our starting item if it's Doran's or show what part of which item to get first.

I recommend you allowing us to choose 6 or less items to be taken into account in the "Build Stat Totals", I think that would satisfy both me and mrkid here :P
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 3, 2010 11:59pm | Report
Yeah this is a feature we've had planned for a while. My intention was to only count the last 6 items in your build that wouldn't disappear as components, and only those apply to the stats. The rest are ignored and probably displayed a little differently. I actually have all the component info ready to go but I'm in the middle of finishing some other things.

So, that will be the solution, when we get down to this item on our feature list :) If you guys have better ideas than what I described above just let me know. To me this method seems like a good way to give better information without over-complicating the builder tools. The builder itself would be unchanged, only the stat calculation and display of items when others view your build would change.

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