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's Forum Avatar

Known Issues and Non-issues

Creator: Matt February 10, 2011 12:31am
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 10, 2011 12:31am | Report
Here is a list of known issues, as well as non-issues on the site. Please check here before posting in case we are already aware :)

Known Issues

  • Icon and wiki-link bbcode sometimes doesn't work for items with an apostrophe in the name. Make sure the apostrophes are normal ones and not special ones used by programs like MS Word.
  • Team names don't always save properly.
  • Recommended builds on the homepage can sometimes get cut off when a couple of the builds have long titles.
  • The page links sometimes go "1 2 3 4 5 6 2 20".


Here are some issues often reported as bugs, but are not actually.

  • I published my build but I don't see it on the browse (or some other) page. This is either due to caching (see below) or because your build did not meet the requirements to be considered a "full guide", causing it to get filtered out of a number of lists on the site. To check for the latter, modify the filters on the browse page to include "Build Only".
  • I set up my custom avatar on Gravatar but it isn't working. The Gravatar system can be a little finicky. Please follow the suggestions in this thread and also this thread to resolve any issues you are having.

Caching Issues

In order to keep server costs down, and also keep the pages loading fast, there is a lot of heavy caching going on with the server. You may sometimes notice that the information in some places is slightly out of date or behind, or out of sync with other parts of the site. These issues will generally resolve themselves shortly. We are always working to improve the caching system and keep the site as fresh as possible without sacrificing performance, but if you spot any particularly nasty results of caching let us know and we will investigate.

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