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Making A New Account

Creator: Umbra Sword January 14, 2021 8:29am
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Umbra Sword
Umbra Sword's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 14, 2021 8:29am | Report
I just logged into my Mobafire account after yeaes because I'm getting back into content creation and I plan on making champion guide. The only thing is all the information is outdated and I can't change my username. Is there a way for me to make a new account being that the current one has my current summoner name on it?
<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 14, 2021 10:16am | Report
Hello @ Umbra Sword!

You can create a new account and I can transfer your guides and badges to the new one. Feel free to send me a PM and I'll be happy to help! :)

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