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[Suggestion] Guide to text

Creator: Searz June 24, 2011 1:18pm
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 1:18pm | Report
I'd LOVE being able to use a backup system that lets you convert a guide to text that you can save locally.
It's a bit of a hassle to copy the description into all the categories if you have a lot of them.
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 1:21pm | Report
Good idea :) Will try to squeeze it in!
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 1:28pm | Report
It'd be great if the champion builds also were included in the text.
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 1:40pm | Report
Well here's what I'm thinking... Someone already asked for a printer friendly version. That means it's a lot less image-heavy (maybe no images) and mostly text on white background. You could use that to get a better text dump of the guide and just save it to file. Technically you could just load up your guide right now and save HTML to file, which would basically do the same thing.

However, what I could also do is provide a feature for authors only that lets you download a complete dump of your guide record. This would be in a format that you could upload back to the site later in order to restore an older version of your guide. It wouldn't be very human-readable but, that's not really the point of this anyways. That is basically how our revision system works already so it shouldn't be a huge amount of work to let you upload an older copy.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 2:23pm | Report
I'd actually like it to be a human readable thing. So that I could make changes to my guide on my computer then later upload it to MOBAFire.

Maybe the builds need to be in code, but at least the chapters should be text imo.
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 2:57pm | Report
Well, I can do that too... Just a popup with the full bbcode of all chapters one after the other... But to upload it after you'd have to manually replace each chapter. At least backing up would be easy :P
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 24, 2011 4:21pm | Report
I was thinking of it being like an area that shows the entire guide in pure text (readable and modifiable too plox (as in being able to change items in the champion builds and such)). Then being able to insert text in there to make a guide look like the one you copied or to simply modify an existing one to that.

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