only head back when you need to, when your partner goes back head back to the turret and protect it till they get back. if you are too low on health i guess its better to go back than get killed trying.
when you are low on health head back, if you want to buy items head back if your partner is doing well enough to protect the turrent, if not stay in battle and wait till you can go back at a good time to buy your itmes.
when you are low on health head back, if you want to buy items head back if your partner is doing well enough to protect the turrent, if not stay in battle and wait till you can go back at a good time to buy your itmes.
By staying, you get more experience from killing minions (since you don't have to share) and you'll get more opportunities to get gold from killing minions, since you don't need to compete with your partner. However, all of that said, you don't want to die, so if you're low, you might want to go back to base as well.
If you go back, but your enemies stay in lane, they will raise a level earlier than you and get more money than you, which will end up slowly making you lose. So you either back when you absolutely have to (you'll die if you stay or you won't be able to get any gold or experience anyway) or after your enemies are gone (you either killed them or made them have to go back) and, most of the time, you have killed their minions so that your minions are now hitting their turret (this is called pushing out or shoving the lane).
If your enemies go back, and you can buy an item you want, go back too. Otherwise they will get back with better stuff, eventually making you have to go back or killing you while they get to push out the lane and gain more gold and experience that way.
You shove the lane before backing because your minions will be killed by the turret instead of by your enemies, so your enemies won't get any gold and if they're not around they won't get any experience either. Furthermore, when you get back, the minions will be fighting in the middle of the lane again so you don't have to be close to their tower to get gold.
If you're duolaning, most of the time you'll want to go back at the same time. Because if you don't, the enemy will most likely fight you off one by one and you'll basically be laning one versus two all the time. Unless you're sure you can beat them 1 versus two of course.
If your enemies go back, and you can buy an item you want, go back too. Otherwise they will get back with better stuff, eventually making you have to go back or killing you while they get to push out the lane and gain more gold and experience that way.
You shove the lane before backing because your minions will be killed by the turret instead of by your enemies, so your enemies won't get any gold and if they're not around they won't get any experience either. Furthermore, when you get back, the minions will be fighting in the middle of the lane again so you don't have to be close to their tower to get gold.
If you're duolaning, most of the time you'll want to go back at the same time. Because if you don't, the enemy will most likely fight you off one by one and you'll basically be laning one versus two all the time. Unless you're sure you can beat them 1 versus two of course.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Alright I have been playing a while now and I am almost lvl 30 and a new question came up that I could use some advise on. I recently watched a video by Phy about keeping one champion you like to play as your main and making a list of others just incase your main pick is already chosen. Now I am mostly playing Malzahar and prefer mages and ranged based attacks. However recently I had to play Xin Zhao in jg and didn't do to bad personally; I actually had a fun time playing him. Then last night I was in ARAM and had Aatrox which was just as fun; then I did a few bot matches and have been liking how Aatrox plays.
Now I was wondering should I stick with just ranged based attacks since that is what my main is and I enjoyed originally or is it okay to branch out to some melee champions as well? I can see how going to melee based attacks can get me into trouble in the lane from ranged pokes since I am not use to it. I can also see sticking with ranged based for that is what I have been playing almost since I started. Thank you for any advise.
Now I was wondering should I stick with just ranged based attacks since that is what my main is and I enjoyed originally or is it okay to branch out to some melee champions as well? I can see how going to melee based attacks can get me into trouble in the lane from ranged pokes since I am not use to it. I can also see sticking with ranged based for that is what I have been playing almost since I started. Thank you for any advise.
FingerSpoons wrote:
Alright I have been playing a while now and I am almost lvl 30 and a new question came up that I could use some advise on. I recently watched a video by Phy about keeping one champion you like to play as your main and making a list of others just incase your main pick is already chosen. Now I am mostly playing Malzahar and prefer mages and ranged based attacks. However recently I had to play Xin Zhao in jg and didn't do to bad personally; I actually had a fun time playing him. Then last night I was in ARAM and had Aatrox which was just as fun; then I did a few bot matches and have been liking how Aatrox plays.
Now I was wondering should I stick with just ranged based attacks since that is what my main is and I enjoyed originally or is it okay to branch out to some melee champions as well? I can see how going to melee based attacks can get me into trouble in the lane from ranged pokes since I am not use to it. I can also see sticking with ranged based for that is what I have been playing almost since I started. Thank you for any advise.
Now I was wondering should I stick with just ranged based attacks since that is what my main is and I enjoyed originally or is it okay to branch out to some melee champions as well? I can see how going to melee based attacks can get me into trouble in the lane from ranged pokes since I am not use to it. I can also see sticking with ranged based for that is what I have been playing almost since I started. Thank you for any advise.
So, I've seen the video aswell and Phy was talking about the ranked scene. Honestly, the competitive scenario has absolutely nothing to do with co-op vs AI. My personal advise, if you are thinking about going to ranked games, you should absolutely start doing PvP.
Now, about being a one trick pony or a meta pony. Being a one trick pony has both advantages and disavantages. For instance, your best champion (your only trick as a pony) is suddenly buffed, and has a higher pickrate than before (people pick him more often). The changes are that: 1- It'll get banned more often and 2- You may not be able to pick him because someone else has already done so.
The advantageas are 1- that you'll be really good with the champion, 2- that you'll probably learn how to take him to different roles, such as jungling and top lane, 3- and have a higher winrate and therefore climb faster.
Now, the advantages of being a meta pony are that:
1- You'll always have a strong champion in your champion pool.
2- You'll probably stomp if you are decent with the champ since he/she's currently a very good pick.
Yet, the disadvantages are:
1- If you play way too many champs you don't really capitalize on any of them, so you are not really good with one, but decent with many, which could be harsh if your lane or jungle opponent is a one-trick pony tl;dr he knows the mechanics and what he/she's doing.
2- Most meta picks get banned.
3- You have to buy loads of champions and use loads of ip to buy them runes.
I personally recommend being a one-trick pony. For example, I main Hecarim. I had a good winrate the last season (65%~). If he got banned, I'd pick Pantheon, since I'm good with him aswell. Or if I had to support I'd go with Thresh, if I had to go ADC I picked Lucian, etc.
Being a one-trick pony is IMO the best way to climb in a ranked league, but you do need some backup.
Sorry for the long af answer!
Thanks to TheSilverDust for this Thresh signature!
*Image done by Z0MBGiEF*
Hecarim is a devoted brony
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Now right now I am only playing Co-Op against bots to get the hang of the game and to get a feel for the champion I am mostly using Ryze on the bottom.
My first question is when in a lane and your teammate goes back to the shop should you stay and try to defend so the opponents will have a harder push to the turrets, or is it okay to head back as well if you are low on health and/or have enough gold to buy items that will help?
Thanks for your time and sorry if there is a official noob forum to post on I didn't see one.