Looking for a mentor that has great experience. I am looking to play LoL competitively, so this is very serious for me. I want to start learning how to jungle, tank, support, and counters. I also want to improve on my csing and last hitting. I have mainly played AD/AP carry but I want to become effective in other categories also. My main focus is learning to outplay my opponents in every aspect. Thank you for your time!
IGN: h0tsaucex562x
Server: NA
Time Zone: PST
Lvl: 24
Champs I Play Frequently: Caitlyn, LeBlanc, Ziggs, Twitch, Tristana, Tryndamere, Brand, Kog'Maw
Champs I've tested: Ahri, Annie, Ezreal, Jax, Katarina, Kennen, Master Yi, Shaco, Veigar
[quote=h0tsaucex562x]Looking for a mentor that has great experience. I am looking to play LoL competitively, so this is very serious for me. I want to start learning how to jungle, tank, support, and counters. I also want to improve on my csing and last hitting. I have mainly played AD/AP carry but I want to become effective in other categories also. My main focus is learning to outplay my opponents in every aspect. Thank you for your time!
IGN: h0tsaucex562x
Server: NA
Time Zone: PST
Lvl: 24
Champs I Play Frequently: Caitlyn, LeBlanc, Ziggs, Twitch, Tristana, Tryndamere, Brand, Kog'Maw
Champs I've tested: Ahri, Annie, Ezreal, Jax, Katarina, Kennen, Master Yi, Shaco, Veigar[/quote]
IGN: h0tsaucex562x
Server: NA
Time Zone: PST
Lvl: 24
Champs I Play Frequently: Caitlyn, LeBlanc, Ziggs, Twitch, Tristana, Tryndamere, Brand, Kog'Maw
Champs I've tested: Ahri, Annie, Ezreal, Jax, Katarina, Kennen, Master Yi, Shaco, Veigar