At the moment i play jungle yes but i played other roles in earlier seasons. At high elo there arent many Udyrs since he gets kited quite hard. But if i get invaded by Udyr i obv have to let him take those camps. Sometimes my team reacts and we can punish him for the invade but otherwise i just go to the other side.
wrath.league wrote:
At the moment i play jungle yes but i played other roles in earlier seasons. At high elo there arent many Udyrs since he gets kited quite hard. But if i get invaded by Udyr i obv have to let him take those camps. Sometimes my team reacts and we can punish him for the invade but otherwise i just go to the other side.
Wait what at my rank (D1 mmr) he's banned quite frequently with a super high win rate due to runeglaive.
runic echoes* B^)
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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
Legend: I wouldnt play nidalee top only jungle. U basically have to snowball right from the start. Clear ur jungle in record time and get the kills going as early as possible. Shes pretty hard to play but definitely worth it.
Vyn: D1 is not high elo. Vs good players hes actually pretty bad. Gets kited super hard and splitpush is less effective at high elo.
Vyn: D1 is not high elo. Vs good players hes actually pretty bad. Gets kited super hard and splitpush is less effective at high elo.
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if u have any kind of questions regarding the game feel free to ask. There are endless ways to win in soloq but i can try to tell u how i try to carry.
U can also add me ingame if u have more questions.
ING EUW: Wrâth
Best regards, Wrath