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Any mentors in Korean server?

Creator: ann115 December 20, 2017 7:11pm
ann115's Forum Avatar
Aug 25th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2017 7:11pm | Report
As you see. I am not completely new to LOL, but I am still all thumbs when it comes to gameplay. My fave champs are Rakan and Xayah, but I am too scared to play other modes than AI. Most people call names if I play. Is there anyone who can help me play?
DanDDude's Forum Avatar
May 14th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 14, 2018 11:09pm | Report
Lol I think first time I play league I jumped straight to summoner's rift. Not bragging but sure they'll call you names but with time you'll discover their tactics and whatnot. Just ignore them. Even in high tiers people are still toxic. Sometimes playing with bot will not going to improve that much unless you are very bad at that champ. If you can play that champ just play summoner's rift. Other players aren't that good anyways unless you're in a high tier.

I'm just guessing you play Rakan/Xayah bot. Beware of ganks. Put some wards at the river lane thingy(I forgot what it's called). You'll get better. And ALWAYS put wards. Or destroy them.

Anyways are you a korean? Because korean servers are hard. If you're not korean I advice you to hold on a bit and play on other servers and get a bit better, then go to korean servers.
I am mostly a noob at every champ but I would like to become the top player.

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