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Creator: Creatrixx March 6, 2016 4:16pm
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Creatrixx's Forum Avatar
Mar 6th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 6, 2016 4:16pm | Report

Hey, I'm pretty new to playing league and want to say that I'm a pretty self conscious person and have social anxiety. I'm lvl 10 and wondering when I should jump into PVP, I'm afraid I'll jump in too soon and just get insulted and picked on mercilessly, which is what caused me to stop playing in 2012. Are players friendlier now? What should I make sure I know before starting PVP? How much harder is PVP compared to intermediate bots?

Some help would be much appreciated!

p.s- I know Im lame for posting this haha

Norant's Forum Avatar
Jan 30th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2016 2:52am | Report
PvP is at your same level. Compared to bots I'd say it's harder because, even at lower levels, people are not stuck at a certain degree of skill, but might pull off unexpected good plays or do terrible mistakes. This makes them harder to predict and requires you to adapt your playstyle from game to game. But hey, this is the same for you! I think you shluld just dive into the pvp and enjoy the challenge. People are still toxic from time to time, but most of the time they are not and in the end he who insults is always wrong, don't you know? I also think you don't need to be so worried about your skill and your mistakes. Most of them won't even be noticed by others when you are at level 10. Just go and enjoy the experience, and if someone is ever rude to you don't mind him: he is just wasting time getting angry for an unranked, lower level game, which is ridicously stupid :) gl hf
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 7, 2016 9:38am | Report
Creatrixx wrote:
Are players friendlier now?
In my experience, they're worse in lower levels than back in season 2.

Creatrixx wrote:
What should I make sure I know before starting PVP?
You should probably be ok with knowing the five main roles (support, adc, mid, top and jungle) and having experience in a couple of champions to cover most of those roles.

Creatrixx wrote:
How much harder is PVP compared to intermediate bots?
Truth is, the more time you spend against bots, the harder it will be to pick up PvP. Bots can be beaten easily by small "tricks" that just won't work against human players. So the more you play against them, the more you'll internalise those tricks. That said, there are players that are easier to beat than intermediate bots. In the end, as it's PvP, you'll end up facing people around your skill level, which means you won't be able to safely stomp them unless you get lucky or you get a lot better really fast.

Now if you have social anxiety, I recommend you learn to mute fast whoever seems aggresive. Or just /mute all as soon as you enter a game :P
Devampi's Forum Avatar
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Nov 22nd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2016 2:17pm | Report
Ekki wrote:

You should probably be ok with knowing the five main roles (support, adc, mid, top and jungle) and having experience in a couple of champions to cover most of those roles.

thios isn't a requirement to start pvp. The recommendation to start PvP is ASAP as people play very differently and it's something you need to get used to. If you know a role it's o + but there are enough people that don't know what they are doing so make sure you can be adaptive yourself and don't fear losing at your lvl.
Just some random guy from smitefire that visits sometimes.
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2016 2:56pm | Report
Devampi wrote:
this isn't a requirement to start pvp.
Right. I for some reason thought it was about ranked games. Yeah, PvP should be started as soon as possible in order to learn those roles properly (as PvE forces you into a constant 2 champs top). They are good guidelines for stuff to learn anyways, even if you practice them in PvE.
Crunchy Wartaco
Crunchy Wartaco's Forum Avatar
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Apr 13th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 24, 2016 1:22pm | Report
Jump in when you've mastered a few champs in two roles. Then have fun and if some one flames you just mute them. They can only flame you if you let them :)
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suchdeath's Forum Avatar
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Apr 29th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 29, 2016 5:53am | Report
You have to leave bots and start playing pvp , do your best and have fun , that's all that matters , you can mute flamers or just ignore them but at least try to be a good member of the team. The bots help you learn only the basics, pvp is the challange

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