For now you should play all of the roles until you find one you like the most. Once you find that lane you enjoy you can start experimenting with champions that work well there. Only then would I really think about spending the RP. The main use of RP (imo) are rune pages and skins, and until you find champions you like buying skins doesn't really make sense.
I would tell you to use RP to buy champions top get them faster, but its too cost prohibitive unless you know you like the champion (due to trying them in a free week)
I would tell you to use RP to buy champions top get them faster, but its too cost prohibitive unless you know you like the champion (due to trying them in a free week)
Thank you Jovy for this bomb *** sig!
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1. Who should i buy with 5000RP?
2. Should i just focus on my favorite roles (i'm still figuring these out because i have only played 2 5v5 matches , 1 win - 1 lose) .Or should i be versatile in all roles?
Thank you. I also appreciate any advance advices :D