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Creator: GodChronos August 30, 2011 2:27am
GodChronos's Forum Avatar
Aug 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 30, 2011 2:27am | Report
Heya all
I am a recent addition to LoL and enjoying it greatly but now comes the time where I want to choose a champion to stick to....for now....:P

I have been playing for a little over a week and a half and so have been here for two free champion weeks and have had alot of fun trying out new champions.

I enjoy Warwick, Caitlyn and Cho'Gath especially

I enjoy playing a carry (High damage output) but also survivability. I have some experience (other games) so Im not fussed with how difficult a champion is to play. I prefer Carry over Survivabilty but would prefer both.

Can Anyone please suggest a good champion that fits this information? I am currently leaning towards Cho'Gath but like the damage output of champions like twitch or caitlyn as well (know they are not quite the same, but from what have seen they both deal alot of damage)

Please dont say "go with what you want" or "if you like Cho'Gath get him", I would like what YOU think would fit...

Thank you in advance :D
Calibern's Forum Avatar
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Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 30, 2011 5:59am | Report
For damage and survivability I would go for Xin Zhao he is relativity cheap 3150 IP, and deals a lot of damage while being tanky (I main him so I am impartial to him). But if you want a ranged carry I would go for Vayne deals a lot of damage, squishy(easily killed), but has a great escape ability. For an AP carry (mage) I would go with Annie. Out of the 3 you like I would go for Warwick, Cho'Gath is more of a tank, and Caitlyn is too squishy for my taste. If your still unsure you can read this guide, it has great advice if you are unsure who to buy. (Click here!)
Xin Guide
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UltimateHavok's Forum Avatar
Aug 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 30, 2011 11:03am | Report
Calibern wrote:

For damage and survivability I would go for Xin Zhao he is relativity cheap 3150 IP, and deals a lot of damage while being tanky (I main him so I am impartial to him). But if you want a ranged carry I would go for Vayne deals a lot of damage, squishy(easily killed), but has a great escape ability. For an AP carry (mage) I would go with Annie. Out of the 3 you like I would go for Warwick, Cho'Gath is more of a tank, and Caitlyn is too squishy for my taste. If your still unsure you can read this guide, it has great advice if you are unsure who to buy. (Click here!)

Cho'gath deals some insane damage. His ult is ******ic. 800+ true damage that ignores armor and magic resist? Epic. I build Cho'gath as a caster, my favorite and imo best way to play him. A knock-up with a 3 second slow? A 3 second silence? An 800+ true damage ult? An ability that makes his basic attacks do an additional 200 magic damage? And he's still a tank? Yea. I build boots of swiftness to chase people down because he needs to be close range to really be effective. Rod of Ages for the great AP, health and mana. Rabadons to make your damage epic. And the rest really just depends. Force of Nature, Zhonya's Hourglass, maybe a Thornmail, Morello's evil tome is epic if you don't need the defense, it can go a number of ways. But if played right, with his epic ult and its stacks, nice passive, tankiness and insane damage, he's amazing.
I think he's a better tank if played this way then built a straight tank. If built a straight tank, he lacks the damage to be a threat and won't be focused first. One of the best things a tank can do, is run right in the middle and soak up damage while the carries pick people off. Cho'gath can do this and still dish out insane damage. You don't have quite as MUCH survivability this way, but still enough to keep you alive through a lot and be far more beneficial to your team.
By the way, I see a lot of people use Cho'gaths ults on minions for the stacks. I find it far better to use it to last hit for the kill. It's easy to tell when to use it too, just look and see how much damage it will do at the time you want to use (depending on what lvl it is and how much AP you have), then look at your targets health. If your damage is greater, then use it, get a stack and some nice gold. Simple.
Anyways, that's my rant on Cho'gath. I feel like he's under-rated by a lot of people that don't play him effectively.

But yea, Annie is a good and easier to use caster. Better ones (imo), albeit harder to use, would be Leblanc and Orianna. Leblanc is good at nuking down a single person quickly with massive damage and Orianna has better AoE and is better in team fights. I like Veigar quite a bit too, he's great at bringing down AP carries because of his ult. He's got a nice AoE stun, and some real nice damage and AoE meteor. Although he is squishy and lacks mobility and escape mechanisms (besides laying out his stun). There's other good AP carries but these are ones I know more about. Karthus will be free this week, try playing him.

Well I got tired of typing so I'm not gonna go into more detail, if you have questions about anyone or anything I'll try to help, I didn't talk about any AD carries but Ashe, Tryndamere, Vayne, and others are all very good. Also, I'd recommend trying the new champ Talon. He's fun to play, and just epic.
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