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High Koalaty Gaming: A true High Quality Gaming...

Creator: HKGSarah September 16, 2014 11:46am
HKGSarah's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2014 11:46am | Report
High Koalaty Gaming
Welcome to High Koalaty Gaming!

Our Primary Mission Statement: Are you looking for a way to enhance your gaming experience? One of the biggest parts of gaming is the community! Whether it’s the immediate gaming community you have or a separate community outside of the game, it makes the entire experience completely different! With our community, our mission is to provide a community that focuses on members’ experience as first priority. What this means is, as a community, our focus and goals move towards making the game more fun for you! Whether it’s organizing events, offering coaching/mentoring etc. This is first and foremost, a community about it’s members. With helpful staff, a continuing focus on banning out trolls, this is the place to be.

About Us:
-We Offer:
  • Free Coaching from our Coaches that are Diamond+
  • A diverse gaming community
  • Tournaments *not only for League but other games as well*
  • In-houses
To connect to our teamspeak, you first must make sure you have the teamspeak application found here. If you don't, its a quick and easy download. Once you have teamspeak, in the upperleft corner where it says "Connections" put in the address listed above and hit connect!
Once you connect to our teamspeak you will initially be unable to move from channel to channel. Once a staff member has assisted you into becoming a member, you are free to roam about!

Here are the games our community focuses on so far:
  • League of Legends
  • Wildstar
  • Path of Exile
  • Smite
  • Minecraft
  • OSU
  • Rust
  • Counterstrike
Staff Positions Available:

  • Coach
  • Streamers
  • Shoutcasters
  • Graphics
  • Media
  • Developers
  • Organizers
  • Recruiters
If you'd like to join us you can head on over to our website which is found here:

Or come on over to our Teamspeak and someone will be happy to assist you in joining our community! Our Teamspeak address is found here:

If we have at all, piqued your interest, come and visit us! There is no obligation to join whatsoever and we can always answer any questions you have that weren’t answered above!

We hope to see you there soon!

Daily League of Legends prized tournys are EVERY night at :4:30PM PST, 6:30PM CST or 7:30PM EST
The prizes for the tourny are:
3200 RP triumphant ryze *1st Place*
2400 RP*2nd Place*
1600 RP *3rd Place*
800RP *4th Place*
Join us on our teamspeak to participate or simply for more information!:

If you'd like to be able to participate in the tourny please join the ts at least 15 minutes before the tourny starts so we can register you for the tourny! Thank you!

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide